Tiny Dog Throws the Best 'Dirty Looks' When Anyone Comes Near Her Owner's Boyfriend


We all know that dogs have a unique way of expressing their emotions, and one pup has taken it to a whole new level. Meet Miga, a Brussels griffon with a larger-than-life personality. Her owner, Lauren, recently shared photos and a hilarious story online about Miga's "dirty looks" whenever anyone comes near her boyfriend, Jesse Weyher. This tiny dog's expressive side-eye has captured the hearts of many and left the internet in stitches.

Tiny Dog gives side eyes

In an interview with Newsweek, Lauren describes Miga as a judgmental dog who is always side-eyeing everyone's movements. But when it comes to Jesse, Miga takes her protectiveness and judgment to another level. She never gets aggressive, but her intense side-eye and disapproving gaze speak volumes. According to Lauren, Miga won't allow anyone, including Lauren herself, to get close to or engage in conversation with Jesse. Who would dare approach Jesse when Miga stares at them as if they've betrayed her trust? This 7-pound bundle of attitude certainly knows how to make her feelings known.

Miga's love story with Jesse began early on. As Jesse started traveling for work and became busier, Miga's anxiety and sadness intensified whenever he was away. Now, just the sight of a suitcase makes her nervous. In her desperation to be with him, Miga often plops herself into his suitcase, begging to tag along. Sometimes her wishes come true, but if not, Miga is always present for airport drop-offs and pickups. When Jesse is away, Lauren becomes Miga's favorite, but being a typical grump griffon, Miga can't resist judging her with those penetrating eyes. However, as soon as Jesse returns, Lauren once again becomes invisible in Miga's world.

Tiny Dog gives side eyes

Miga has learned that her judgmental eyes work wonders when it comes to getting attention. During quiet moments in bed when Lauren and Jesse are scrolling through their phones or using other devices, Miga positions herself between them and the device, pushing it away. This behavior is especially prevalent when it involves Jesse. Lauren humorously notes that Miga simply doesn't want Jesse to pay attention to anything or anyone else. It's as if Miga believes Jesse's undivided attention should always be hers alone.

Tiny Dog gives side eyes

Lauren's Reddit post featuring Miga's judgmental looks quickly gained traction, receiving over 17 thousand upvotes and hundreds of hilarious comments. Dog owners from all over the world could relate to the humorous and relatable behavior displayed by Miga. Some even shared their own stories of their dogs giving them 'dirty looks' in different situations. It's safe to say that Miga has become an internet sensation!

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