How Many Dogs or Cats Can You Own in New Mexico?


In the US state of New Mexico, the number of pets residents can own is regulated by individual municipalities. This means that the maximum number of dogs or cats you can have in your New Mexico home depends on where you reside.

adorable puppies cuddling

While many cities in New Mexico allow up to 4 dogs or cats per household, some allow no more than three pets. If you are considering owning more than 4 dogs or cats in New Mexico, it is important to check your city's municipal code or contact your city clerk to make sure you are in compliance with your local laws. In the meantime, below are some New Mexico municipalities and the number of pets allowed per residence therein.

Albuquerque, NM

The New Mexico City of Albuquerque limits each household to 6 pets, four of which may be dogs. This means that you may own 2 cats and 4 dogs if you live in Albuquerque, NM. All dogs over the age of 6 months and all cats over the age of 5 months in Albuquerque are required by law to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. Albuquerque pet owners are no longer required to license their dogs and cats.

Las Cruces, NM

In the City of Las Cruces, up to three dogs and three cats are allowed per residence. A multi-animal site permit is required if you have 7 or more household pets in Las Cruces, NM. There are general care and maintenance requirements that every Las Cruces pet owner must meet. Some of these requirements include providing your pets with adequate amounts of fresh potable water and wholesome food sufficient and appropriate for the species, life stage, and medical condition of the animal.

Rio Rancho, NM

In the City of Rio Rancho, each household is limited to 5 domestic animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and pygmy goats. Rio Rancho Code prohibits owners from allowing their animals to run at large in the City. Any animal found running at large within the City of Rio Rancho may be impounded and the owner will be required to pay fees for release and be subject to citations. Furthermore, the City of Rio Rancho has an "animal disturbing the peace ordinance" requiring pet owners to prevent their pets from making excessive barking or howling noise.

All cats over the age of 5 months and all dogs over the age of 6 months in Rio Rancho are required to be spayed and neutered. In addition, all dogs and cats in Rio Rancho are required to be on a leash of not more than 8 feet in length when the animals are off their owner's property.

Santa Fe, NM

In the City of Santa Fe, the number of cats and dogs in your house must not exceed 10 in total, according to Santa Fe County Code. For example, you can either have 6 dogs and 4 cats or any combination of both animals not exceeding 10 in your house. A kennel permit is required to keep more than 10 domestic animals in one household in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Dog owners in Santa Fe are required to keep their dogs on a secure leash no longer than 6 feet in length and under the immediate effective physical control of the owner or a person capable of controlling the dog.

Roswell, NM

The maximum number of pets allowed per household in the New Mexico City of Roswell is 5. This means that you can own 3 cats and 2 dogs or 3 dogs and 2 cats without a permit if you reside in Roswell, NM. All cats and dogs in Roswell are required to be microchipped within 30 days of acquisition or entering the city. Anyone wishing to own more than 5 household pets in Roswell must first obtain a permit from animal services. When not on their owner's premises, all dogs in Roswell are required by law to be under the immediate control of a responsible person and restrained by a leash.

Farmington, NM

The City of Farmington in San Juan County, New Mexico, limits each household to three dogs and an unlimited number of cats. A Kennel License is required to own more than three dogs in an agricultural district of Farmington. This means that Kennel licenses are not issued in urban areas of Farmington. Every dog owner living in the City of Farmington is required by law to have their pets vaccinated against rabies and licensed.

Hobbs, NM

If you reside in the City of Hobbs, the maximum of pets you can have in your house is 5. If you wish to exceed this limit, you need to obtain a multiple animal site permit. With this permit, you can own up to 15 dogs or cats or any combination thereof. However, only two of the 15 animals can be unsterilized.

The City of Hobbs has a leash law, which requires dog owners to keep their dogs on a leash of no less than eight feet in length. Hobbs pet owners are required to have their dogs and cats vaccinated against rabies. In addition, Hobbs City has an "animals disturbing the peace" law requiring pet owners to prevent their animals from making persistent, continuous or loud intermittent noise so as to disturb the peace of inhabitants of the City.

Clovis, NM

The City of Clovis permits no more than 4 pets per household. You may own 2 cats and 2 dogs or any combination of both animals not exceeding four in Clovis, NM. To exceed this limit, you need to obtain a multi-animal permit from the animal control department. Under this permit, you can own up to 5 dogs and 4 cats or any combination of dogs and cats not exceeding 9, according to Clovis' Code of Ordinances.

Other New Mexico Municipalities

  • Alamogordo, NM: 5 dogs or cats
  • Gallup, NM: 4 dogs or cats
  • Los Lunas, NM: 2 dogs or cats
  • Sunland Park, NM: Up to 6 dogs or cats
  • Deming, NM: No more than 4 animals
  • Las Vegas, NM: A maximum of 4 animals
  • Portales, NM: 4 dogs or cats
  • Lovington, NM: 4 dogs or cats
  • Española, NM: No more than 4 animals
  • Silver City, NM: One dog and one cat, or 2 dogs or cats


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