Parrot Loves Watching Videos Of Other Parrots and Doesn't Like It When You Change The Channel


In a world where technology is advancing at a rapid pace, humans are not the only ones who enjoy the perks of modern-day gadgets. A rose-ringed parakeet, also known as the Indian ringneck parrot, has recently been making the rounds on social media for its love of YouTube videos featuring other parrots. The parrot's owner, who captured the bird's fascination with technology on video, shared it on Reddit, and the clip has since gone viral.

Parrot watching YouTube Videos

The video showcases this avian marvel engaging with YouTube content on a tablet. Astonishingly, the parrot's preferred genre of entertainment revolves around videos featuring its own species.

The footage captures the parrot's undeniable fascination as it deftly navigates through the vast expanse of YouTube, seeking out and indulging in videos showcasing its feathery counterparts. However, an intriguing twist unfolds when the parrot's owner dares to click on a video that fails to meet the parrot's discerning taste. In a swift and assertive manner, the parrot promptly intervenes, ensuring that its preferred parrot-centric content is restored.

Parrot (Indian Ringneck) navigating Youtube and doesn't like it when you change the channel.
by u/SinjiOnO in Damnthatsinteresting

This extraordinary display of avian intelligence has captivated hundreds of Reddit users, shedding light on the remarkable cognitive abilities possessed by our feathered friends. The parrot's unwavering dedication to its preferred YouTube channel serves as a testament to the depth of its affinity for its own species.

Experts in the field of animal behavior have been astounded by this parrot's unique proclivity for digital entertainment. Driven by an innate curiosity, this technologically-savvy parrot has managed to carve out a niche for itself in the vast realm of online content consumption.

As the video continues to gain traction, viewers are left in awe of the parrot's ability to not only comprehend but also actively engage with digital media.

In a world where social distancing has become the norm, even our feathered friends struggle with loneliness and isolation. However, researchers from Northeastern University, the University of Glasgow, and MIT have found a way to connect domesticated parrots virtually. Through video chats initiated by the parrots themselves, these intelligent creatures have found a way to interact with other pet parrots and learn new skills. This groundbreaking study has provided a solution for the estimated 20 million pet birds in the United States who may be experiencing loneliness. The researchers recruited volunteers from the Parrot Kindergarten, an online training program for parrot owners and their beloved pets, making it possible for these birds to connect and form social bonds, even from a distance.


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